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Unwavering Dedication and Constant Improvement: JMD's 37th Binding Line Training Course Begins


     Over the past 17 years, since the first training course in 2006, JMD's customer training courses have been founded on the principle of "constant improvement and unwavering dedication," culminating in 37 sessions to date. As the first session of 2023, this training course runs from May 6th to May 15th, aiming to provide in-depth solutions to practical issues users encounter when operating and maintaining the Cambridge12000 wireless binding line.


The training instructors are experienced technical teachers from JMD with over 20 years of professional experience. The course is designed to address practical problems users face when operating and maintaining the Cambridge12000 wireless binding line, covering topics such as daily operation,maintenance, routine troubleshooting, binding techniques, and electrical principles for the entire binding line. The course will not only help participants enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical skills but also reduce errors and downtime in future work, creating greater production efficiency.

This training session brings together over 30 participants from more than ten printing companies, including Hunan Tianwen Xinhua Printing Shaoyang Co., Ltd., Hubei Xinhua Printing Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Xinhua Printing Development Group Co., Ltd., Guizhou Xinhua Printing Co., Ltd., Fujian Xinhua United Printing Group Co., Ltd., and Guangxi Nationality Printing and Packaging Group Co., Ltd. The gathering provides a stage for learning and a platform for exchange. As Mr. Liu Wen, Deputy General Manager of JMD, said at the opening ceremony: "Integrated and convergent production will be the future development trend for printing companies. We hope to improve the overall technical level of each participant through training, creating greater value for their enterprises."


If you missed this training session, don't worry! Contact our enrollment teachers and reserve your spot for the next free training session.
Teacher Li: 18902482597
Teacher Yin: 13922816206




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