JMD 12th Post Press Skills Training Course

Training time: 2021-10-12,2021-11-23

Training location:




JMD 12th Post Press Skills Training Course

2020 National Vocational Skills Competition -- The Bookbinder final of the 7th National Vocational Skills Competition of Printing Industry was successfully held last year. Bookbinder is the first type of competition included in the competition. Before the competition, I had a one-month pre-competition training in Shenzhen Precision Da. A total of 137 workers and students competed for the first prize, 10 of whom participated in the pre-competition training, accounting for 80% of the total. There are a total of 30 second prize winners, among which 27 participated in the pre-competition training, accounting for 90%. The purpose of pre-competition training is to promote participants to study their skills diligently, improve their professional skills, and better understand the technical requirements of the competition project. This issue will select a number of bookbinder finals first prize representatives for special report, please pay attention to.


JMD 12th Post Press Skills Training Course

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